A fascinating movie it's called “The Hole.” It's about a particular building that has 200 floors,; people come in here especially to clean up “their soul.” What's more, they come in because they meanwhilealso want others to come obligatorily. Every month changesthey change floors, and depending on the floor inon which you are whether there will be food. Also, the food only appears only for 20 seconds. For example, if you're on the 1st floor; you can enjoy the food because there's too much fooda lot of it. Although mostlyBut the people who are there mostly think only ofabout themselves only, and not ofabout those below them. NextIn the following month, you are on the 63 floors63rd floor; there's food, but not so much, and even thoughif people there was a lot, howeverwish there had been more, they try to eat what's there and don't complainavailable without complaining. AndOn the 200th-floor200th floor people don't eat because there's no food at all. AThis movie ofis about survival, terror, andand it's a reflection fromon how far a humanpeople can go to get what they want.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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