ConsumérismeConsumerism has affected people's behavior of people's by causing their desire to thefor new technology and novelties, which has generated classes of life imin our society and the most affected are those ofin the middle class.

The middle class
are attracted to this consumption by the rich class, who are the people known and admired most in the society, like football players, gaming players and influencers ofon social media.
thisThis attraction is realized bythrough the advertisements for any new product shared by those influencers, witchwhich causes the precipitationparticipation of the poor people to appropriate that’simmediately buy the new product at the moment, without worrying about their social caseand economic future.


you have to realize ifask yourself whether the thing you want to buy is really necessary or it is just a simple desire.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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