In the short story “The Monkey's Paw” by W.W. Jacobs, they think “The Monkey's Paws”Paw” will give them their wishes but the paw is cursed. The family changed in the beginning of the story. They had all had selfish wishes and they wanted the wishes for themselves to better their lives and at the end of the story they were not selfish they just wanted to go back to normal.

They were wishing
selfishes wish They saidselfish wishes. I wish for two hundred pounds, '' said the old man clearly.”, so they could pay off their debt. At the end of the story the mother had wanted the monkey's paw back to wish for her dead son to be alive again. After, after she had realized it was their wishing that had killed their son.

At the end of the story you could tell that they
had wanted their old lives back before they had made any wishes. They were worried and scared. In the short story, after they had wished for a lot of money , it said “ a fine crash from the piano greeted his wodswords, broken by a frightened cry from the old man. His son and wife ran toward him.” They had gotten the money but not the way they wanted it; their son had died in macherinea machine accident. The story says “I was to say that Maw and Meggins accept no responsibility ,” continued the other. “But , although they don't believe that they have the legal requirements to make a payment to you for your loss, in view of your son’s services they wish to present you with a certain sum.

At the end of the story they wished
tothey’d never havehad the monkey's paw. Becausebecause their wishes ruined their lives and killed their family. So the story teaches us a lesson: to never expect to get anything without having consequences. Andand to never expectingexpect anything good for free.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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