Recently I experienced a life threatening condition called DKA which stands for diabetic ketoacidosis
It all started by forgetting to take my morning insulin
,. I take 38 units of Penmix everyday and it is very important to remember to do your insulin as it has huge effects on your cycle!
I got to school and was fine until half
-way through first period then I started to feel a bit faint, then I started to get the feeling I was going to be sick, so I just sat there and felt horrible, then it came time to go to next period, so I went still feeling sick. I got there and sat down and didn’t really tell anyone. I refused to go to the nurse but, in the vendtually, I ended up going. I was waiting outside the nurse's office because she was with someone else when I felt like I was really going to be sick. aAnd ,there and then, I did. I vomited in the bin right next to me. We had to call my grandad and went home. bBy about four o'clock I had vomited 13 times. mMy mum came and picked me up from my grandad's, and called my local doctor. mMy blood sugars were around 6 and went straight up to in the twenties ,which is not at all normal; the doctor said I had to go to hospital and, by then my lips and mouth were blue and it wasn’t even a cold day,. soI went home knowing iI would be staying the night in hospital and packed a bag. I was dry reaching the whole way to the hospital and, when iI got to the hospital, iI had to be pushed around in a wheel chair. The service was really fast; iI didn't even have to wait. i I was taken straight after we checked in. I had a drip put in and had to have some blood samples taken,. iI still had a sore stomach, so iI had a drug put through the drip to stop the pain and to stop vomiting. iBy then, I had already been in the hospital for an hour by; then iI was moved to my own room in the children's ward HDU (high dependency unit) and iI was connected to three machines; iI had patches on my chest, i had a pulse reader attached to my finger, and iI had an insulin infusion, .Aat that time iI was not allowed to eat; they called it nil to mouth. iI wasn't even allowed to drink water because iI had too much fluid in my system and there was gas in my blood,. tThat night iI was woken up every hour to be tested, the next day iI went home

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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