SUCHuch AS MACHMERYmachinery EQUIPMETTand AIDequipment PLAITSaid AREplants SUPPLIEDsupply TOto vARIOUSarious FIRMfirms, THESEand AREthese SIGTIFICATTare FORsignificant Iin ORDERorder TOto MIMEmine Intheir Eeconomic ability ABILITYto TOsupply SUPPLYgoods GOODSto TOthe THEprivate PRIURTE SECTORS.sector, PUBLICpublic AIMaim MERITmerit GOODSgoods, GOODand AI .

FTERfter GOITGgoing THROUGHthrough THEthe TYPEStypes OFof GOODSgoods THATthat AREare MCLUDEDincluded Iin THEthe AGGREGATEDaggregated SUPPLYsupply, LETSlet's GOgo OUERover THEthe MAJORmajor FACTORfactors THATthat AFFECTSaffect THEthe AGGREGATEDaggregated SUPPLYsupply ALSO- also mknown ASas "CETRISetris PARIBUSaribus" THATthat DEFILESdefines THEthe TATIOTSatiots/STATEtate SUPPLYsupply, REre:
the PRICEprice OFof THE GOODSgoods.

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