Ryan Lind
Musc 110D
World Music: A Global Journey

Listening Assignment #2
a) Compare and contrast the musical characteristics (pitch, rhythm, timbre and phonic structure) of the
2two audio examples. What musical similarities do they share and what are the musical differences? What musical aspect makes it "sound Arabic" or "sound Spanish"? "
Both the Takht and the Flamenco sound very similar but
have have are very different in the sense of pitch, rhythm, timbre and phonicphonics. The pitch of the Egyptian takht is very different thento the spanishSpanish flamenco. The Egyptian takhitakht is played using higher pitched notes, whereas the flamenco is played with lower pitched notes and instruments using bass tones. The rhythms differ a little bit, for instance, in the flamenco the rhythm is more upbeat and aggressive and the takht is slower and hypnotic.

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