Have you ever read a book about truea paranormal story which in endingends in the writer’s dead?death?
„dangerous game „„Dangerous Game„ is a ghost story written by William Harris and edited by Louis George Alexsander andthat was published in 1977. William harris writedHarris wrote about his extraordinary expierencesexperiences after his wife diedied.
The main
character plays a game with a ghost before he goes to sleep. The ghost is a poltergeist that Will calls ‘Poldy’.AtPoldy. In the beginning, Will and Poldy play a friendly game every night, but then the game begins to change. It becomes a dangerous game.

When I start readstarted reading it, I think thats willthought that it would be a boring story. IntroductionThe introduction reminded tipicalof a typical horror novel witchin which everything areis impossible. With passingthe passage of time, the plot is going tobecame more and more intrestinginteresting. This book iswas very shocking. I was literally scared duringwhile reading,Really. really! Don’t takeread this book at night !

This horror was writingwritten in simple language. This is the reason why I thinkthought thats it was a book for kids but, but now I think is tooit's not adequateappropriate for little publicpeople. Action keep allThe action keeps going the whole time in agog. I like it. I recommend this book to everyone who likes the feeling of fear. I evaluate „dangerous game „ forevaluated „Dangerous Game„ as a 5+. It’s definitely worth reading.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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