They are many languages around the whole world. Every country has a specific language that usewhich it uses to communicate with each other or expressingexpress their feelings. Some language is spoken within a specific region , whereas some are globally spoken. Arabic is widely spoken in a gulf region. However, English is a universal language.To knowKnowing the difference and similarities between Arabic and English it’s equalis equally important to knowas knowing what doesthe language meanmeans. (64)
Language is a word used to explain the communication between people or animalanimals or express feelingfeelings. There are two types of languages; ,verbal language and non verbal languagelanguages. The oral language is a system of spoken and written words where we use sound and symbols to communicate.For example,e.g.language with sound that people uses. .The other kind is gestural language which differdiffers from verbal language they dowhich is not pronouncepronounced. For instance, body language thatwhich is physical behavior, as opposed to words, areis used to express or convey information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space . Moreover, language is important to communicatefor communication and to exchange ideas with each other or express opinionopinions and feeling .Languagefeelings; language of different countries such as Arabic and English language. (132)
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