I spoke to you this morning and glad we have an understanding. We have an agent, Nesheema, thatwho has a sleeping disorder and told us, as well as another Supervisor (Sonia Kirkland) confirmed, that she has medical documentation that has been given to Mariah. My concern is that it’s not fair when meI and Deborah Cody isare overwhelmed with calls while another agents sleep and get paid to sleep. SN: It also doesn’t also set a good example tofor the new agents that haswho have just started because they are going to follow her lead. I understand that she’s in a program that doesn’t get calls, but she should also be able to answer calls like Primo to contribute. She taketakes multiple 15 minminute breaks, outside of the normal 2 that we are supposed to have and sometimes longer, and when management leaves between the hours of 11p-12a11 pm-12 am, in particular Sonia Kirkland, she stays outside talking to this agent while we’re on the phone. On Wednesday, she stayed outside for 40min40 minutes and supervisors in Beverly waswere asking where she was because there was ana Chesapeake call holding. This has been going on since she started. Our main clients that call overnight isare Clarus ( for(from my understanding, she got kicked out of the program), Primo, HVC , Hiretech, Luggage Forward, SWIFT, Chesapeake, Inner Traditions, and American Integrity Insurance. butBut Clarus being the most calls we take and, it gets really overwhelming and frustrating when I’m watching an agent get a pass to sleep her 8hrs8 hours while I have to work. Again as I told you earlyearlier, I’ve been herhere almost 2 yrsyears. now and Now I greatly appreciate the opportunity, but I just want things to be fair. I come into work and out of 2 years I have only called out 3 times.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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