5. Abstract:

The process of designing and producing new software
byof any programming language goes through different phases,; software testing is one of them. After the codes are is developed, software testing is required, depending on the requirements that are addressed by the second party. In software development, testing is a necessity to workof working more effectively in order not to develop faulty software. Generating test data in the developingdevelopment process areis the main difficulty actionchallenge. Software testing ismust be the most accurate section amongstaction among all phases of the software development life cycle thatand must be done to checkassess the nature of the product and to ensure the product item wasthat it is free of bugs.
Software testing is not restricted to the identification of bugs in the product, it also works to obtain
additionadditional trust, to and its working toassess and correct methods, and to help to evaluate theevaluate functional and non functionalnon-functional properties.
Software testing
is required to test the quality of the software and finding error, theseidentify errors. These tests can be performed manually or can be automated.
Manual software testing
withof software products required to be readrequires reading and understandunderstanding the project documentation plan, then studystudying the application under a test, environment and checking all test cases mentioned in the project documentation plan comparein comparison with the functions of the software that produces, itproduced. It is totally the process of comparing the behavior section of codes, theseof the code in relation to requirements. These processes manually needs more times as well as it cannot give theneed to be tested multiple times, in order to provide a guarantee.
Automated software
testing, is the process of testing the software using an automated tool to find theany defects, in. In this process, the tester executeexecutes test scripts, "test coding programs," and generate theautomatically generating test results automatically by using automation tools, some. One of the famous automationsautomation testing tools for functional testing are seleniumis Selenium.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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