Dear Audience!
Natural beauty leaves profound imprints on the human mind. Wazirabad Campus never
neglects to develop thean aesthetic sense in our students. To fulfill this aim every year we
celebrate apple day, color day and plantation day. EducationalAn educational trip is also an other part of
our tradition to show the beauty of our country to our students as well as to enhance their
mental caliber by presenting the true cultural, industrial and developmental picture of the
It is well said that "A healthy body keeps a healthy mind." A Sportssports period is organized for all
classes in the school. To create sportsmanship, team work, enthusiasm, leadership and a
sense of gainingwinning and loosinglosing, every year the campus arranges a Sports Day. but from
years we have been arranging a full week for the development of traits and preparing and teaching
students how to live in a society and how to behave withlike others." Karate is another
speciality of our Campuscampus. We have established a Karate Club within Sch
tablished a Karate Club within Schoolthe school premises
tinted with Pakistan WUSUH federation and International WUSUH Federation China.
The Educators Wusuh Club has been arranging a belt test for the last three years,
awarding a green belt, orange belt and yellow belt. Our karate masters n
vellow beltare
yellow belts. Our karate masters not only compete against
each other at the school level but also they have parti
chool level but also they have participated at the Punjab level and gothave gotten positions.
Now our students are ready to take part in the national level contest.
Worthy Guest!Guests!
Lacebools and Collegescolleges do everything related to curricular bi...
tablished a Karate Club within School
vellow belt
chool level but