For my critique, I went to the Chagrin Valley Little Theatre to see the play Dead Certain, by Marcus Lloyd. This was a “psychological thriller” that took you through the collaboration of an alcoholic, out of work actor and a paralyzed, retired dancer. Michael Boyd was recommended to collaborate with Elizabeth Bartlett, who had just begun writing her first play. Elizabeth had asked Michael to come over one evening to run through her play and provide some advice. While he was there they chatted for a bit and then eventually ran through bits and pieces of the script. It wasn’t long before Michael realized the events that occurred throughout the evening arewere happening identicalidentically to the events in the play. As the play continuescontinued the mental games continuecontinued to build until we eventually learnlearned the true story. Elizabeth iswas an angry ex-fan of Michael who has blamed him for the accident that led her to become paralyzed. The play grew in suspense as Elizabeth threatened Michael with a gun, only to hand the gun over to him and coerce him until he shot her. The play concludesconcluded with the death of Elizabeth, which we learnlearned was her plan the whole time. She sought revenge on Michael by ruining his life and having him go to jail for murder so that she cancould find peace in death.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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