In the short story “The Nest” the protagonist Jimmy has displayed being a stubborn teen, a loyal friend, and a boy with dedication. These traits are presented to the readers through what Jimmy says and his actionactions. Jimmy is a round character throughout the story, he does undergo some changes, such as while he was running to Paul he was double-minded about whether his decision on disobeying his mother was correct.

First, through Jimmy’s actions, we are shown that he is a stubborn teen. “He was on his feet, yelling, the controlled, polite speech lost in his bursting anguish for freedom.” This proves he is stubborn because after being told no by his mother
, Jimmy continued to argue, whereas most teens do not argue much fartherany more after being told no several times. Young teens like Jimmy are not yet adults who can make their own decisions, so in most cases, teens do not have much of a say as parents supposedly know the best for them.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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