Noughts and crossesCrosses - a strategy game played by two players, most often on a checkered card. Players alternately try to cover three fields in a single line, while preventing the sametheir opponent from doing the same. The field can be covered by one player and does not change ownership during the game. In the most popular version in Poland, the game is played on a 3x3 field. Graphically (e.g. on a card) the game usually proceeds as follows:
The field of play is determined by sketching four intersecting lines: two vertically and two horizontally, each of which is divided by two lines perpendicular to it into three equal parts.
On individual fields marked with this drawing (if it were entered on the field, a single field would be a square with the edge of 1/3 of the described square), players place a circle and intersect alternately.
When any player creates a line of three crosses or three circles, he will cross it and become the winner. When all fields are occupied and the line is not created, the game ends in a draw.

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