I am writing to you regarding my renewal proposal for our navcan2NavCAN 2 device which we believed would be the right solution for you and your business needs.

After second thoughts and discussions with the manager in the technical department, it has been suggested that the better solution for you would be our new high tech and superior device which is due to release in the coming months.

The new device will be linked
Intointo our new tracking platform, TN360, which will soon replace the Directordirector portal. The device will enable for you to see real time data on the tracking platform by the click of just one report.

navcanNavCAN 2, which I initially offered, will give you the reports that you had requested, but will mean having to pull out numerous reports and using a separate portal provided by Stoneridge.

My advice would be to hold on, if you can
, until the release of this new device which is a far superior system and much more user friendly, and all under the one portal, however. However, if you are in a rush for the data, then uwe can offer you the navcan2 untNavCAN 2 until the release of the new solution.

- please see a link to a tutorial as requested

Please let me know your thoughts on the above


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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