Learning-centred teaching ishas to do with teaching students how to learn more effectively, and to this end, teachers need to adopt a demand-high approach. That is to say, they should perhaps find the right demand, which is just one step ahead of where students are, with regardregards to their zone of proximal development. Teachers do this by way of giving upgrade feedback comments and revisiting tasks to exploit them to the very last drop of information. Additionally, teachers should also help students become more autonomous, teaching them to fish, rather than giving them fish, so to speak. On account of this, firstly, students are informed about their learning style, namely auditory, visual, or kinaesthetic. Secondly, teachers facilitate learning an arduous rule by heart by its associationassociating it to something known, rhyming, or by encoding it. To assist students to memorizein their memorizing orientation part in reading, for example, teachers devise STAR, which ismeans that students askingask themselves about the passage subject, type of text, addressee, and the reason for writing it. Finally, not only can students learn from each other through pair work, group work, or the teacher’s formation of audio-feedback groups.
All of
suchthese learning-centred teaching is as well-applicable intechniques can also be applicable to an IELTS speakingSpeaking class. Teachers demand high by priming students with a range of topics, so that they become unconsciously skilled speakers and, more specifically, readily use advanced vocabulary or acertain grammatical structurestructures. Teachers can also pave the way forhelp students by using mnemonic devices, or magic bullets, so to speak. These are eitherFor instance, flashcards or associationassociations of any topic to a ready-made given introduction, to name but a few. Moreover, students learn from their mistakes bythrough their dictionary of success, which is the list of their speakingthe most common mistakes, and also they make when speaking; they also learn from each other throughby giving one another audio feedback comments, not to mention its effectivenesswhich is very effective thanks to Vicariousits vicarious effect.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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