In the last years, Thethe average number of crimecrimes has been increasing, some. Some people argue that, Thethe punishment should be harderharsher and that would help to reduce thereduce crime and deter the criminals. OnIn my view, i partallyI partially agree with studentthis.
First of all,
The crime washas existed from the early ages, but it was trapped in certain people. Also becausesince the comunitescommunities were pretty small So, people waswere restricted and closecloser to the traditionalstheir traditions more than now.
Thethe media prayhas played a significatsignificant role in spreadout thespreading crime betweenin the youngersyouth. Crime tv dramaTV dramas as well as crime novels have a hugly popullarare hugely popular around the world, that has. This was proven regarding movies by thata company called brothers for movies productions, after many researches the. After much research, they discovered that, people prefer to watch crime movies rather than romance movies or actions movies, its. It's always a win compairedcompared with othersother types of movies. In addtion Afteraddition, a few questioners that have donequestionnaires distributed to bookshpoes, theybookshops found that, Thethe most sold out books it were a crime novels.
Althogh, couldnot balme the media onleyThe media is not the only aspect of modern life to blame for the rise crime.
There are many reasons that lead to the crime, such as the gabgap between rich and poor people, whilewherein the reason to commit crime is to have thatmaterial things.,wgat that they do not have. not. CanWe can also not forget drugs addicted,drug addiction; when they arean individual is under drugs effectsthe influence of drugs, they can do any type of crimecrime to get more.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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