Cinemas, theatres and concert halls
suchshould be much nearercloser to the town hall, because it is one of the most crowded and visited areas and it’s much(much more far than other not visited placesplaces).
This should be a little bit
more farfurther from the crowded area because it should be a quiet place.But it’sIt’s quite good and very well cared for.But insteadInstead of 2two cinemas, I would only put 1have one, because it would be much more clean and much more crowded.
Parks and gardens:
Parks and gardens are
usually much cleaner than they are right now. It's full of paper, and aluminium… and thisThis is the worst for the pollution in town. it’sIt’s always filled with smoke and we never see the blue sky.
transportTransport facilities:
There is too much pollution in the town
and too muchmany taxis oreand cars in the city centre. I would use more the underground more because we almost don’tbarely use this low-pollution vehicle.
Sport facilities:
I don’t do much sports
, but you don’t put itit is not easy onfor us because the pollution and the non greennon-green places almost don’t exist and there. There is no gym.So, so you have to godrive to a gym in the car.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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