Learning media are an intermediary tooltools that helpshelp teachers convey information to students whoto can increase their learning interest and achieve learning goals. This research discovers the difference in students' learning interests in the subject of geography learning in experimentexperimental classes taught using Universe Sandbox 2 media with students in control of the classes taught using Power Point media. This research was conducted because there hasn’t previously been a specific learning media for geography subjects. This study uses the research method ofa Quasi ExperimentExperimental research method with a posttest-only design, conducted at SMA Negeri 7 Bandung with the population all class X IPS, and the research sample is X IPS 3, with 34 students as anthe experimental class and X IPS 1 with 35 students as athe control class. Learning interests are a researched variable, this learning interestwhich is derived from the accumulation of 4 indicators of learning interests; namely: attraction, likes, attention, and engaging. Learning interest data are obtained using a questionnaire learning interests questionnaire that was given to students in both classes. Analysis of data used in the form ofapplied normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests. The results of the study conducted in the experimentexperimental class showed an average of 60 study interests, with moderate learning interest categories. Meanwhile, the control class showed an average of 61 study interests, with moderate learning interest categories. Based on the findings of research, that has beenas analyzed with hypothetical tests using the Mann Whitney method, obtained asymp value. Sig 0.773 is greater than 0.05. Thus, the conclusion of the results shows that there is no difference in interest in learning geography between students who are taught using Universe Sandbox 2 media and students who are taught without using Power Point media.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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