On the last day of the duel, as they stood, they at last knew how the right-handed twin was to kill his brother, but what they didn’t know iswas, that the left-handed, devious, stubborn old warty brother used one of the plants to create a witchcraft clone potion to use it on one of the natives to help defeat his brother. The left-handed brother chose a mere stick that would do him no good, and the right-handed brother picked out the deer antler. The right-handed brother thought hehe'd destroyed his brother as soon as the deer antler touched him but instead, a bright magic light reveledrevealed that it was one of the natives. Out of nowhere, the right-handed brother felt something sharp and hard ouchtouch him and as he looked back, he saw his twin brother smiling and waving back at him. He picked up his brothers body and threw it down the edge of the world. And tilluntil this day the right-handed brother suffers the consequences.
The sun kept on shining all day long
, leaving everyone to suffer from lack of sleep, and they were rarely been able to sit in some shadow and when nighttimenight-time came, once in a month they would sleep, but nightmares would hunthaunt them all night long.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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