Being complimented makes me feel good about myself, it causes me to feel motivated, engaged and confident, . Conversely, it can also can make you feel over confident, complacent and lead to procrastination, consequently. Consequently, it was the latter which prevailed at the end. OneOnce the released date of the ‘problem question’ my daughter took sick, nevertheless. Nevertheless, still riding on the compliments from my mock submission, I remained calm and makemade a mental note of how I was going to work through this situation. insteadInstead of asking for help with my daughter and other household responsibilities, I got over confident, which then lead to procrastination, as. As a result, for the following two weeks, I did no research or planning for my final submission. I told myself I knew exactly what to research, where to search, the rules of mooting and advocacy and that I only needed to talk for eight minutes, which was nothing major, and I could do it all within a week. Suddenly, it was as though every alarm clock in the world was going off one after the other and I was in the centremiddle of them all, of them. I am a private person, I do not take confiningconfiding in others lightly, usually I shackshake it off but this time I could not shake it off. Fear is real! Anxiety is real! Before I knew it, it was the day before my submission due date and I found myself applying for mitigating and self - certified circumstances, but I was too late. I’m grateful for my faith and my family, they supported me and helped me meet my submission date, admittinglyadmittedly, it was substantially weaker in quality compared to my mock which naturally that made me downhearted and distant from my friends.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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