I am writing to refer Mr. Martinez, a 45-year-old assistant manager, who has recently developed signs and symptoms suggestive of Menier’s disease. YouYour further assessment would be greatly valued.
On previous visits, Mr
. MartenizMartinez presented with several medical issues, which were treated accordingly. On 14/8/2021, he presented complaining of a difficulty in hearing in his right ear. Wax was noticed in both his ears. Thus, OTC ear drops was prescribed.
On today’s visit, Mr
. Martinez attended with the complaint of a 2-week history of vertigo along with nausea. Ringing and hearing loss in the right ear was reported, which raised the suspicion of Menier’s disease. Examination was unremarkable. Please be notednote, he does not smoke and he is diagnosed with allergic rhinitis.
Given those points, it would be highly appreciated if you could manage Mr
. Martinez’s case as you feel appropriate. Kindly note that, he has a positive family history of Sjogren’s syndrome in his mother. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding his condition.

Yours sincerely,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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