One culture shock that I experienceexperienced when I first arrivearrived in the U.S. isare the lives of American families lifesfamilies. In my culture, family is mostextremely important. IsIt is more important than work , school , and friends. We enjoy to spendspending time together. Mother cookcooks a nice dinner every night for the family. Whenwhen we come home from work or school. EveryEvery family member sitsits around the table and we eat and talk. We joke and, tease each other and enjoy this time together. In the U.S., on the other hand, families sometimes family never eat dinner together. The children are busy with after school sports or clubs. The father workworks late. The mother often workworks too. So, so she doesn’t have time to cook a nice meal. MaybeSometimes she bringbrings home already-preparedpre-prepared food from restaurantrestaurants, such as pizza. Or maybe, she might cook a fast food dinner in the microwave. In addition, my family enjoys to spendspending time together on weekends and holidays. For example, on Sundays we often havinghave a big barbecue, and invite aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. We spend the whole day together. It gives nice feelsmakes us feel happy. In U.S in contrast, in the U.S. children have their own activities, parents have different activities, and teenagers prefer to be with their own friends. In fact, children spend more time with friends than with parents. Families here dontdon't live close to one another. Children don’t know their aunts and uncles. They won’t because, so they don't become close to their cousins. Aslike we do in my culture. Is too bad, i think, forI think it is really sad, because close family is a lasting treasure.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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