Discipline is essential for good upbringing, ProverbProverbs 22: 6 enjoinenjoins us to "train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it”it". When my first daughter turned ten I had no longer need forneeded a housemaid. I gradually started introducing her to house chores, with; in time;, I portioned the roles of house chores to her and her siblings. I made it a habit by insisting that my children willshould start washing their clothes, starting with their school uniforms, and gradually washing all their clothes after their 10th year birthday. ThoseIn those days, there was nothing like lessonlessons after school, rather a child comescame home after school, eatsate lunch, takestook a nap, and wakeswoke just before 4 pm to proceed to their lesson class if it iswas not conducted at home. My children arewere served dinner between 6 and 6.30 pm, thereafter, they watchwatched television and gowent to sleep at 8 pm. Saturdays I gowent round to inspect their rooms to make sure that they arewere kept tidy. How dearwould the child dare share refreshment with a visitor? That never happened because there was a standing rule in my house that before a visitor stepsstepped into the house, the children would have retired to their room, and the children seessaw the visitor only on the on visitor’s request. When any of them doesdid something bad and minor, he or she willwould get a spank. A more serious offence attractsattracted the use of a cane koboko (cow skin that is matted into rope to form a weep)whip). The use of a koboko was the most effective means of child disciplining, children behavebehaved themselves for the mere fact that there iswas a koboko in the house, because no child ever wantswanted it to be used on him or her.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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