Hello Amanda! I had the same definition of good eating in my post; it is all about putting the proper nutrients in your body that fuel it. It is essential to do it that way so your body functions properly. It is interesting how the two recipes vary based on their different periods. The 1956 meatloaf was a budget-conscious decision to feed their family, and the one now is a healthy but more expensive version. I agree with what you said about meals being a lot simpler back in the 1950s. Following recipes didn't exist back then, which is where the most incredible family recipes come from. Now, as you said, it probably wouldn't taste right if you didn't follow the tofu recipe. I agree that recipes nowadays are so tricky to follow. I decided to do a Home Chef program, where all your meals are delivered to your door with the exact ingredients and recipe you need to follow!
Hello Ayda! Hope you had a great week! It is essential to cut back on fast food and junk foods because they lead to weight gain and many other health problems. The tofu recipe is a healthier alternative to the regular meatloaf recipe. As you said, the recipe from the 1950s was considered healthier to them back then because it was the budget-conscious alternative and it
iswas all the knowledge they had in that era. Nowadays, our meatloaf recipe has changed drastically based on the knowledge that we have about the daily allowance of nutritional values that we must meet every day. Eating healthier means now eating food that will allow your body to flourish. You are correct when you stated that there are two very different versions of eating healthy compared to in the 1950s and now. It is important to look at the differences and understand them. I enjoyed reading your discussion post.

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