Hello Ms. Kline,
I would like to request an honors recommendation for WHS. I think I am able to handle my class quite well
,. I always try to participate all the time when I have an opportunity. In my past work, I always completely finished all of my assignments and practice work, even if it wasn't a part of my grade. Every time I have a chance, I always make time to finish challenge assignments and do all work worth extra credit, for example during the map I signed up for the poster management role. Another example is our Shays' Rebellion work,. I was happy to put together the poster and finish mine as well.
Something else I do well is writing. I never take time to write anything
, and I get straight to the point, such as during my "Why the Founding Fathers Legacy is Complicated". I finished the essay and got it ready and polished on the first day and did not take any time after to finish it. Another important thing is my grades, and my grades in civics are always in the A range. andAnd only under certain small chances, they will go under that but are quickly fixed because I always try my best to fix it and not go below that.
So I think I will do excellent in honors if I keep pushing myself forward and trying my best to achieve what I can
,. I am trying my best to go to a competitive college and will do whatever it takes to reach it and support myself for a good future.

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