Development Stages
Stage 1
Development of scryptscript mining core
Release of LTC mining in testnetTestnet
Development of proxy server for routing
Setup of testnetTestnet node and server
Testing mining in testnetTestnet, obtaining first block
Development of merge mining core for coins (AuxPow)
Release of 5 merge coins in testnetTestnet (DOGE, Bells, LKY, PEP, JKC)
Setup of testnetTestnet nodes for 5 coins
Testing mining in testnetTestnet, obtaining first blocks for each coin
Testing DDoS protection and verifying correct share counting
Stage 2
Release of mining core to production
Mining main cryptocurrency LTC
Mining 5 merge coins (DOGE, Bells, LKY, PEP, JKC)
Nodes and wallets for each coin
Profitability aggregation
Release of proxy server to production
Smart routing between regions based on ASIC DNS
Correct and incorrect shares counting
Logs to database saving
Backup servers and switching to backup pools
Improving proxy server to account for ASIC model and correct hashrateHashrate accounting
Setup of nodes for production testing and proxy server
Live testing of mining, obtaining first block, setting up unit tests
Stage 3
Scaling network infrastructure for mining optimization (regional division)
Improving proxy (accounting for correct mining and profitability of mass ASIC models)
Hashrate testing and scaling, optimizations, and technical improvements for achieving competitive market profitability, setting up unit tests
Work on setting up monitoring of mining services
Stage 4
Database development
Microservices development
Anonymous mining
Email registration
Apple registration
Google registration
Web3 registration
Profitability calculation
Transactions generation
Client payout
Referral payouts
Pool fees
Alerting and monitoring profitability, comparison with competitor pools
Formation of payments registry
Sending transactions to blockchain
Generating withdrawal transactions for client in personal account
Payment statuses
Payouts to multiple wallets
Blockchain of data and cryptocurrency rates
Integration with blockchain oracle
Integration with CoinMarketCap API
Receiving data on transaction receipts to wallet in blockchain
Development of admin services
Viewing user and ASIC hashrateHashrate
Viewing transactions
Changing fees
Blocking/unblocking users
Worker Statusesstatuses and Hashrate Accountingaccounting
Online hashrateHashrate and invalid share counting for user, API for chart rendering
Worker statuses (disabled/unstable/active)
API for calculating profitability based on yesterday's data/average for 7 days
Accounting for mining difficulty changes
Referral Systemsystem
Setting default values for referral system
Ability to edit referral commission
Linking referrer and referee in database
Changing email
Setting and changing payout wallet
Changing password
Notification settings
Sending notifications via email
Sending notifications via Telegram
Sending notifications via Webhook
Notification settings (enabling/disabling/unstable worker operation, new block mining, payouts, accruals)
Total mined
Mined yesterday
Conversion by rate
Transaction history
Export to Excel/CSV format
Service testing, unit tests
Pool design
Admin panel design
Stage 5
Frontend pool development
Frontend admin panel development
Testing frontend pool and frontend admin panel, unit tests
Setting up microservices monitoring
Stage 6
Final release
Post-release testing and improvements, unit tests
Scaling network infrastructure under load (server costs)
Documentation for miners and FAQ
Documentation for developers
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
פשוט גש לתיבת האימייל שלך, ולחץ על הלינק לאימות, ומייד נתקן עבורך את האיימייל. אם אתה רוצה לתקן עוד אימיילים אז: