Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

I must say, theythere are certain people we metmeet in life who can inspire us, and that is the beauty of networking. perhaps WePerhaps we get a chance to hear their life story and they hear yours, but more importantly what’swhat really inspireinspires me the most, the commitment and work ethicis being committed to certain things in life and having a strong work ethic, which.....

Wadi Rum, también
conocido como Valle de la Luna, es un, valle excavado en la roca arenisca y granítica del sur de Jordania, a 70 km al este de Aqaba. esEs el mayor wadi de Jordania. Wadi Rum en árabe significa en árabe "Valle de la Arena", Porqueya que Rum significa arena, especialmente la arena ligera que puede ser.....

Cependant je doute que mon dossier est était étudierait été étudié avec attention comme vous le prétendez, je ne suis pas de mauvaise fois mais je vous explique simplement la situation que je rencontre.
expliquerexpliqué, je ne suis pas de la région parisienne, je ne voyage pas je n'ai pas cette chance, j'ai du me rend.....

Sachez Monsieur que je ne suis pas un voyou, et dans mon dossier il me semble vous avoir joint le reçu de la RATP, en effet je n'avaitn'avais plus mon titre de transport l'orlors du controlcontrôle car j'ignorerj'ignorais que celui-ci pouvez mettre demanderpouvait m'être demandé (je doitdois être idiot mais pour moi ça avait du sens). et jeJe trouve cela f.....

Dear Mr. Rodríguez,

My name is Daniel Jiménez. I'm part of your class "Comunicación en lengua inglesa para el turismo I" Group GY, P1.

writtingwriting this email to ask about an option to formally skip the classes and instead make some kind of a project or essay that proves my level of english whitEnglish with.....

whatWhat I learned during my 4-years4 years of training allows me to integrate well these areas that I have chosen, especially the study plan of this year, which focuses more on kinetics and catalysis and, the field of materials, and all that isit is in a relationship with. I am really interested in these areas and .....

Hola Buenas Tardes a todos
que estenestén muy bien.
Para lograr atraer
masmás visitas a la tienda de plaza central, el centro comercial nos ayudaraayudará con la comunicación en redes sociales y emailingcon el e-mailing a su base de datos.
Para esto necesito el apoyo por parte de ustedes para poder tener el sigui

Mr. Adham:
Mr. Adham has potential, but because he has no teaching experience, he needs to be more guided. He has
a time management problem and he discusses more than one point related to the topic. Students get confused and he repeats what he explained again in the following class.

Grade 7 Gene

I am writing to express my interest in the position advertised. I possess the necessary skills and capability you are seeking and would make a valuable addition to your institution. I am eligible for limited registration with AHPRA, considering a full timefull-time job in Australia with fairly flexible joini.....

Dear Ms. Brakstad,

My name is Maral Zavvari, and I am a P.E.
graduate student from Tehran, Iran. I am interested in applying for the Master's in sport managementSport Management at Molde university collegeUniversity College, and I do have a question about the English language document before meeting the deadline.

Do you have a con

She said, ‘’ "I think we should build the house like this. We will need four blue blocks and five red blocks.’’" She also enjoys being the leader in a play scenario and has been supported in understanding that when she is not the leader in play that, she is still actively playing.
Op has developed the abili

A symbol is something that stands as a reminder of something elselse. (2) The United States hashave many national symbols that help bring the local and regional communities together as a whole nation. (3) The United StatesStates' flag is a symbol that is easy for all americansAmericans to recognize. (4) It has one star .....

The buyer purchasing and shopper preferences stayed a subject of discussion and internationally. (Rashid, Rehman, and Aslam, 2016; Yen and Tang, 2019). It will be consistent with the state that universally Telecommunication area has an incredible partnership however, at the same time they are simila.....

Accounts teamTeam,

With reference to
the above e-mail to school, its has been almost 9 days past schools since school has started face to face learning. stillStill, I there ishave received no reply from school till date &until today. I didn't got anyget a call from school regarding my sonson's studies, as well as nonor have we been given an alternative solu.....

You must pay attention to multiple points during your first meeting in order to make a good impression.

First, you must have a positive, honest, and funny personality. This does not suggest that you must lie and pretend to be someone else. As you know
, the funny and positive personality leaves a w.....

I have traveled to the pyramids of Giza, eaten with the Pope, stolen national treasure, sky dived, and ridden onrode a unicorn. All in my dreams, of course. I dream every night, and the main reason that I love sleeping so much, besides(besides not having to do anything,anything) is to see what my brain comes up with, and wha.....

Hello Mr Peter Okoye,
I know you need a new member in your team
I know a thing or two that can help expand your analytics and fan base
Your last album was great but didn‘t get the love and respect it should
, maybe due to old ways of musical promotions. These days fans loveslove good music, yes, but pr.....

I want to become a sports coach in the future,. One of the reasons why iI want to become a coach is because I love sports, Exercisesexercising and I have some sports skills such as gymnastics . ,One of my responsibilities is to train athletes, Encourageencourage them to exercise, plan their training, guide them to do the.....

Dear Mrs. Rihem Saadaoui,

I am interested in applying for the position of
an human resourcesa Human Resources manager as posted in ieeeat IEEE.
I joined the IEEE ISIMA Student Branch in 2020-2021.
During the time I spent
inon this team, I have learned a lot of things whichthat helped
to improve my skills.
As a member of the

The justices of the peace were one of the forms of participation of the society in the jurisdiction in the Second Polish Republic. This institution was inherited from the former partitioning states and did not exist throughout the country. Justices of the peace were provided for by the provisions of.....

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