Just want to give a shout out to all of my clients. You all have been so encouraging these past few months and truly have fueled me in more wayways than you will ever know. This month has been one of a lotfull of emotions: good and not so good. withWith all that is happening in this world I like to thinkstay strong most of the time, but sometimes youwe break. This season, I’m taking my time, sitting in stillness to process, diving into the things that I truly love that fuel my soul. oneOne of these being cooking, so sorry not sorry if you see a lot of that on my stories, now days ,nowadays. I'm getting out in the world again and, exploring and taking time to rest. As a oneone- woman show there is a lot to take on, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. remember It’sRemember, it’s okay to not show up sometimes on social media, to take care of you. The ones that truly support you will always be here when youryou're ready. Sending you all so much love!!

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